
Which company is for aUI UX Designer job?

25 August 2023 · 5 ·

I am planning to switch from my current company. I want to move my career into UI UX.

Should I learn from online tutorial or training from a instructor is required?

ui ux

Question answers (1)

26 August 2023
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There are many companies that hire UI UX designers. Some popular ones include:

  1. Adobe
  2. Google
  3. Apple
  4. IBM
  5. Microsoft
  6. Amazon
  7. Facebook
  8. Airbnb
  9. Salesforce
  10. Uber

Whether you should learn from online tutorials or take training from an instructor depends on your learning style and preferences. Online tutorials can be a great way to start learning the basics and gain a foundational understanding. However, taking training from an instructor, whether in-person or online, can provide a more structured learning experience and the opportunity to ask questions and receive personalized feedback. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which approach aligns best with your learning style and goals.

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