calculate body fat (3)

Get Accurate Results Every Time: Tips for Calculating Your Body Fat Percentage

Why is body fat percentage important? Body fat percentage is important because it can indicate overall health. When we talk about body fat, we are talking about the adipose tissue in our bodies. This fatty tissue serves the purpose of storing energ...

john son · 02 May 2023 · 1

How is obesity measured using an Overweight calculator

The overweight calculator has an inbuilt BMI algorithm, a prominent tool for measuring obesity (BMI). When your BMI index is higher than 30, then it is obesity, but it is further divided into three classes: class I refers to BMIs o...

All Calculator · 29 March 2023 · 2

Who should refrain from using this overweight calculator

Your body often stores energy as fat. Depending on where your body stores its fat, having too much or too little body fat can raise your chance of getting sick or developing a disease. Your ideal weight for health can be determined by your body mass...

All Calculator · 29 March 2023 · 1