cps (2)

How long does a CPS investigation take in Indiana?

About 45 days. How long does a CPS investigation take? In most cases, Child Protective Services has approximately 45 days to investigate reports of neglect, dependency, and abuse. What do CPS investigators do? Child Protective Services (CPS) inves...

wasim tariq · 14 October 2022 · 15

Keyboard Latency Test: Understanding and Measuring Keyboard Response Time

Latency, or delay, is an important factor to consider when it comes to computer peripherals such as keyboards. Keyboard latency refers to the time it takes for a keyboard to register a key press and send that information to the computer. High latency can cause typing lag and make typing feel unresponsive. Measuring Keyboard Latency There are a fe...

Henry Smith · 21 January 2023 · 25