ghanshyam (3)

Ghanshyam Sarda A Visionary Business Tycoon

Ghanshyam Sarda is a name that resonates with success and entrepreneurship in India. Born on November 8, 1962, in Kolkata, Sarda has emerged as a prominent figure in the business landscape, showcasing his prowess across diverse industries. With...

Rajesh Kumar · 09 February · 2

Upskilling and Reskilling: Navigating the New Normal

In the ever-evolving landscape of the professional world, the term “new normal” has become a ubiquitous descriptor for the transformative changes brought about by technological advancements, global challenges, and shifts in workplace dynamics. Central to this paradigm shift is the importance of upskilling and reskilling, a concept champ...

Rajesh Kumar · 13 February · 1

Building an Empire through Commitment to Excellence

In the realm of business, the journey to success is often paved with challenges, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to one's vision. The story of the Sarda Empire is a testament to the power of passion and dedication in building a business that stands the test of time. From humble beginnings to becoming a formidable force in...

Rajesh Kumar · 20 February · 2