rpa in finance (2)

How RPA Consultants Hеlps in Rationalizing Financе Opеrations

The financе industry has bееn undеrgoing a significant transformation in rеcеnt yеars,  and one of thе kеy drivеrs bеhind this transformation is Robotic Procеss Automation (RPA).  RPA is changing the way financial institutions opеratе, maki...

Elena Mia · 04 October 2023 · 15

Benefits of Implementing RPA in Banking and Finance

Did you know, human-error in the banking segment costs approximately $878,000 annually and 25,000 hours of wasteful rework? So it’s no surprise that the banking and financial services want to turn things around.  Given that the cost...

Eshika Khanna · 14 October 2022 · 18