Belief Behind Blank Walls

Most of us think we can find God within jumbles of rosary beads, between stacks of Bible pages, and within the rise and fall of hymns. Nobody expects to find him within squeaky linoleum reflections on psych ward floors, stark white hospital walls, and old, abandoned corridors. And yet, it is often...
22 March ·
· 3 · Charlotte davidson

The Struggles of Foster Children

Children who discover they have been adopted may experience a wide range of problems. Children may experience grief at the loss of a relationship with their birth parents as well as the loss of the connections to their culture and family that those parents would have provided. An adopted child may n...
01 February ·
· 2 · Charlotte davidson

Possible Reasons We Haven’t Found Aliens Yet

Despite our best efforts, we have yet to discover concrete evidence of extraterrestrial life. There are several possible explanations for this lack of contact with alien civilizations. We may need to search more of the universe to find them. Alternatively, other civilizations may be too far away or...
02 May ·
· 1 · Charlotte davidson

How our Healthcare System is Failing to Acknowledge the Growing Threat: Post-COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the established system and brought problems for the entire healthcare system such as accessibility, abnormal prices and costs, improper quality, lack of information, research on the after-effects of disease, prevalent biases and disparities, and diminishing public...
21 February ·
· 2 · Charlotte davidson

Unraveling Familial Secrets: Interaction of Generations in the Supernatural Tradition and Reconnection

Family history, where things often lurk in mysterious ways, tangled with secrets passed down through generations. These familial secrets, like hidden treasures, hold stories through time, connecting us to our roots and shaping our present. One fascinating aspect of this intergenerational saga is th...
21 February ·
· 2 · Charlotte davidson

Turning Trauma into a Testimony of Success

All of us are caught up and overwhelmed by work demands and emotions. The issue is that our routines and way of life mean that we barely get time to reflect, let alone process our feelings and thoughts, constructively. So, how do you revisit your decisions and thoughts; would you like a suggestion a...
02 April ·
· 2 · Charlotte davidson


Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows. We all face challenges, big and small. Sometimes, these struggles feel overwhelming, like dark clouds that never seem to part. But what if I told you that hardship, while difficult, can actually be a gift in disguise? It might sound crazy, but hear me out. W...
09 April ·
· 1 · Charlotte davidson

A Unique Perspective on Personal and Professional Wellbeing

We often come across books that seem to be of our interest. They might even allow us to identify the useful aspects of our life and grow beyond our expectations. But rarely do we ever read a book that allows us to revisit our decisions and revise our thoughts to improve us for the better. If you hav...
02 April ·
· 4 · Charlotte davidson

Life is A Roller-Coaster Ride

Uniformity is something that doesn’t go well with the concept of life. Life is full of ups and downs. One day you will feel like you’re at the top of the hill, and the next day you will feel like you are in the deepest, darkest pit. It might not be possible for everyone to escape the set...
22 March ·
· 2 · Charlotte davidson

Announcing the Release of “The Narcissist: When Dreams Become Nightmares.”

Relationships play a pivotal role in our lives and in our world. The much-anticipated new book by author, Clifton Fuller, “The Narcissist: When Dreams Become Nightmares,” shines a powerful...
19 January ·
· 3 · Charlotte davidson

Understanding the Importance of Sustainability in the Business World

Sustainability is important in every way of life and cannot be taken for granted. Sustainability is to ensure more chances of taking care of the present while not risking the time of future generations to meet their own needs. In terms of business, it refers to the company's strategy to minimize the...
15 May ·
· 1 · Charlotte davidson

Emotional Intelligence: A Key Skill for Managing Stress

Emotional intelligence, often shortened as EQ, is the ability to identify, understand, manage, and harness one's emotions, as well as the feelings of others. It's a crucial skill that empowers individuals to cross complex social situations, build strong relationships, and effectively manage life's c...
15 May ·
· 1 · Charlotte davidson

How Childhood Abuse Can Affect a Child.

Abuse can completely destroy a child. It affects children in the worst ways. If not handled with therapy or other medical intervention, childhood abuse can have a variety of negative consequences that can last a child's entire life on their physical, mental, and emotional health. They are less able...
01 February ·
· 3 · Charlotte davidson

How A Book Aims to Inspire and Empower Readers Through Healing

Experiencing or witnessing traumatic events and challenges in your life since the beginning can have a significant impact on a person's life. They threaten a person’s sense of safety and ability to cope and can result from various adverse experiences. Such events can disrupt our beliefs about...
22 February ·
· 2 · Charlotte davidson


Life is a journey filled with ups and downs. It’s easy to celebrate the highs, but what about the lows? Setbacks can be disheartening, and they often come when we least expect them. However, it’s in these moments of challenge that we have the opportunity to grow the most. By turning our...
28 May ·
· 1 · Charlotte davidson


Have you ever heard the saying, "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity"? There's a lot of truth to that. Life is full of surprises, both good and bad. But the difference between those who seem to get all the breaks and those who struggle can often come down to how prepared they are...
24 May ·
· 1 · Charlotte davidson