The hoverboards on the market are very similar to each other in terms of design: the various models differ in some characteristics, including the maximum speed they can reach, the size of the wheels, and the presence of some options, such as Bluetooth speakers or wireless connection, to make it "dialogue" with a smartphone via the classic application to be downloaded on the device.
These options also determine the price: the most expensive models are those that offer them in their entirety, while if you want to spend less, you have to compromise with some of them.
In our buying guide, we want to give you a smattering of these products, to help you understand how to choose a good hoverboard based on your needs and your wallet.
Speed and weight
First of all, when you decide to buy a hoverboard, you need to keep in mind some characteristics: first of all, the maximum weight it can support and the minimum to be able to activate it. The hoverboard detects the weight of the person climbing onto the platform and, if this is too low or too high, it does not activate.
Generally, most of the hoverboards on the market allow you to accommodate people with a weight ranging from a minimum of 20 kg up to a maximum of 100 kg, in practice from a child up to an adult. Some models can support up to 150 kg of weight and are therefore suitable for those who are a little out of shape.
This data is normally highlighted in the technical characteristics of each model. Another important fact is the maximum speed they can reach. On average, a hoverboard reaches a maximum of 10 km/h, but some versions can even reach 15 km/h. These speed differences are determined by the power of the two electric motors integrated into the product.
If you are a beginner, the advice is to buy a model that reaches a maximum of 10 km/h, however more than enough to move fast enough to reach the desired destination. After becoming familiar with the vehicle, you can opt for the faster models.
Autonomy and recharge times
Being an electric vehicle, the engines are powered by a battery: as is well known, this component runs out after a certain time and must be recharged. This therefore also happens with the hoverboard, for which each model has its autonomy.
On average, the less expensive ones can travel up to 20 km, while the more expensive ones can go up to 30 km. The range is also determined by the speed: the faster you go, the more battery you consume, and consequently, the number of kilometers that can be traveled is reduced.
Battery recharging times are very variable, but on average they take from 2 to 3 hours.
Like any device, hoverboards must also be certified to be sold in the UK. The currently most important certification to evaluate is the one called UL 2272.
It is supplied by a company, precisely UL, which for many years has been involved in evaluating, inspecting, and therefore certifying that the products comply with the provisions of the laws of each country in which they will be marketed.
Specifically, the UL 2722 certification makes hoverboards suitable for trade in the UK and Canada, which are currently the countries that have subjected these devices to strict quality standards.
Even if it is not mandatory for the models sold in the UK, it is very important to understand if the hoverboard you have your eye on is of good quality and safe to use. As far as our country is concerned, the only mark that must be present is the classic CE, which distinguishes a product that can be sold in the countries of the European Community.
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