Benefits of Grounding on Vertigo and Dizziness

Benefits of Grounding on Vertigo and Dizziness

We must strive to live a healthier lifestyle. It helps us decrease our health problems and keep us away from the frequent visits to doctors. The primary areas to focus are sleep, exercise, and diet. While everyone tries to follow a healthy routine, one thing which is discussed less often is our connection to nature. Besides everything else, grounding our bodies to the natural world plays an important role.

In layman’s terms, grounding is taking off your socks and shoes and start walking barefoot on the ground. There is no need for you to go in full hippie mode and walk around the street without any shoes put on. Rather, you should think of going to a beach or anywhere where you do not find asphalt or concrete. You should aim to walk barefoot on the soil.

Various studies have shown that grounding reduces inflammation, regulates sleep, improves circulation, and boosts our immune system response to sickness and illness. Grounding also reduces stress. So, that’s quite a bit of benefit from simply removing the shoes and walking on the grass. Tell us, wouldn’t you want to spend just 30-60 minutes a day barefoot outdoors when the activity is bringing a lot of benefits to your general health?

How does grounding help in vertigo treatment in Nashville?

While you might not find any research directly studying the relationship between grounding and the vestibular system, we can still come to some logical conclusions here.

For any kind of vestibular issues, stress is a major trigger. A study found that people with anxiety disorders are about two times likely to develop vertigo than people without such disorders. Furthermore, one of the top five triggers for both vestibular migraine and menier’s disease is stress.

Know that our vestibular system is closely related to the other body systems. Thus, when we are under extreme stress, our bodies are in the heightened state of fight or flight, due to which the rest of the body functions. Our balance system receives mixed input from the rest of the body telling us to panic, and understanding that something is wrong.

Since grounding reduces cortisol, we can logically conclude that grounding reduces stress-triggered dizziness episodes. Furthermore, the quality of your sleep affects the functioning of your vestibular organs. When you do not sleep well, your bodies are not getting enough time to recover. Without the right recovery, we become more prone to health dysfunctions.

If you are seeking vertigo treatment in Nashville, know that grounding can help you improve your recovery. Come to us to explore about spinal decompression in Nashville.

Callen Anthony is the author of this Article. To know more about Vertigo Treatment in Nashville please visit the website.

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We are a special brain and spine wellness center offering vertigo treatment in Nashville, concussion rehabilitation in Nashville, and migraine treatment in Nash...
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