The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Interviews: Identifying Soft Skills for Success

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Interviews: Identifying Soft Skills for Success
5 min read
05 July 2023

The traditional approach to interviews often focuses solely on technical skills and qualifications. However, as the business landscape evolves and workplaces become more diverse and collaborative, employers are increasingly recognizing the importance of soft skills. Among these soft skills, emotional intelligence (EI) has emerged as a critical factor in determining an individual's success in the workplace. This blog explores the role of emotional intelligence in interviews and highlights how utilizing interview-as-a-service and technical screening services can help identify candidates with exceptional soft skills.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Interviews: Identifying Soft Skills for Success

Understanding Emotional Intelligence 

Emotional intelligence, often abbreviated as EI, is the aptitude to adeptly recognize and regulate one's own emotions while also comprehending and empathizing with the emotions of others. It encompasses a diverse set of skills, such as self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social proficiency. Individuals with high emotional intelligence tend to exhibit strong interpersonal relationships, effective communication, adaptability, and the ability to navigate through challenging situations.

The Growing Significance of Soft Skills

In today's professional world, technical skills alone are no longer sufficient to excel in one's career. Employers are seeking candidates who possess a combination of technical competence and strong soft skills. Soft skills are essential for fostering effective teamwork, leadership, and building relationships with clients and colleagues. Consequently, organizations are placing increasing importance on assessing these qualities during the hiring process.

Identifying Emotional Intelligence During Interviews 

Interviews are an ideal platform to assess a candidate's emotional intelligence. Here are some effective strategies for identifying emotional intelligence during interviews:

  1. a) Behavioral Questions: Asking behavioral questions that prompt candidates to share past experiences requiring emotional intelligence can reveal insights into their ability to handle challenging situations and demonstrate empathy.
  2. b) Non-Verbal Cues: Observing candidates' non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice, can provide clues about their emotional awareness and ability to regulate their emotions.
  3. c) Listening Skills: Evaluating a candidate's listening skills during an interview can help gauge their ability to empathize with others and demonstrate active engagement.
  4. d) Conflict Resolution: Presenting hypothetical scenarios that involve conflict can provide candidates with an opportunity to showcase their ability to manage disagreements, negotiate solutions, and maintain relationships.

Interview-as-a-Service: Leveraging Technology 

To streamline the interview process and ensure consistent evaluation of emotional intelligence, organizations are turning to interview-as-a-service platforms. These platforms leverage technology to provide a standardized and structured approach to interviewing. They often incorporate video interviews, automated assessments, and AI-powered analysis tools to evaluate candidates' emotional intelligence and soft skills.

  1. a) Video Interviews: Video interviews enable employers to assess candidates remotely, leveraging facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language to evaluate emotional intelligence.
  2. b) Automated Assessments: Utilizing automated assessments and surveys, interview-as-a-service platforms can provide quantitative insights into a candidate's emotional intelligence, helping to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  3. c) AI-Powered Analysis: By employing AI-powered analysis tools, these platforms can evaluate interview responses and provide objective feedback on a candidate's emotional intelligence, removing potential biases from the hiring process.

Technical Screening Services: Balancing Technical Competence and Soft Skills 

Technical screening services are designed to assess a candidate's technical proficiency and ensure their suitability for specific roles. However, by incorporating evaluation of soft skills, such as emotional intelligence, into technical screening services, organizations can achieve a more comprehensive assessment.

  1. a) Scenario-based Questions: Including scenario-based questions in technical screening interviews allows candidates to demonstrate their problem-solving skills while simultaneously showcasing their emotional intelligence and ability to collaborate effectively.
  2. b) Collaborative Projects: Implementing collaborative projects as part of the technical screening process can provide insights into a candidate's ability to work in teams, communicate effectively, and manage conflicts.
  3. c) Panel Interviews: Conducting panel interviews with a diverse set of interviewers, including representatives from different departments, can help assess a candidate's interpersonal skills, adaptability, and emotional intelligence in a multi-stakeholder environment.

Benefits of Prioritizing Emotional Intelligence

By incorporating emotional intelligence assessment into the interview process, organizations can reap several benefits:

  1. a) Enhanced Team Dynamics: Employees with high emotional intelligence tend to work well in teams, contribute to a positive work environment, and foster healthy relationships, ultimately leading to improved team dynamics.
  2. b) Effective Leadership: Emotional intelligence is a critical trait for effective leadership. Leaders who possess emotional intelligence can inspire and motivate their team, resolve conflicts, and navigate through challenges.
  3. c) Customer Satisfaction: Employees with high emotional intelligence are better equipped to understand and meet customer needs, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  4. d) Reduced Turnover: Assessing emotional intelligence during the interview process can help identify candidates who are more likely to thrive in the organization's culture, resulting in reduced turnover and increased employee retention.


As the business landscape evolves, employers are placing increased importance on soft skills such as emotional intelligence. By incorporating emotional intelligence assessment into the interview process, organizations can identify candidates with exceptional soft skills and improve their chances of long-term success. Utilizing interview-as-a-service and technical screening services can further streamline the evaluation process, leveraging technology and structured methodologies to ensure consistent and comprehensive assessments. Ultimately, by prioritizing emotional intelligence, organizations can foster a more productive and harmonious work environment while achieving their business goals.

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