To start with a firm step, it is essential that you know the definition of Off Page SEO. This would be the set of SEO practices and resources carried out by you and by other users outside your site to improve positioning in search engines.
Off page seo audit is closely related to getting backlinks, but staying solely on that reduces it to the most basic. This practice also encompasses many other activities that support promoting your page and that do not have to result in obtaining a link and are important for off-page optimization.
Why pay attention to off page seo audit?
The answer is very simple: to improve Google PageRank since the quality of a website can be measured, to a certain extent, according to its position in search engines.
When a page has many incoming links from other websites or has many likes and shares on social networks, it draws Google's attention. It's as if he was shouting: “ Hey, listen to me! Im important! ”.
The search engine will listen to this call and give your page, little by little, the corresponding Google ranking. However, remember that this is not the only factor that will make you rank, so don't neglect other elements, such as user experience!
Main benefits of off page seo audit
Imagine for a moment that you have a bird shop in Madrid. Can you imagine the benefits it can bring if a user searches for “buy birds in Madrid”? Your business comes first in the search results.
Sounds good. Logically, the first place Google in the ranking will be the one that gets the most clicks and receives the most traffic, and if it has an optimized ecommerce, it will surely also be the one that sells the most.
This is something that you can only achieve in two ways: through Google Adwords or SEO. One is paid, the other is free. Which one would you choose for your business? In my case, as you will understand, the choice is clear.
If, like me, you have chosen the second option, you should know that Off-Page SEO is one of its main pillars, along with user experience and On-Page SEO, so it is a good idea to work on it so that your imaginary birdhouse is at the top.
After carrying out your company's marketing mix, you have concluded that you are incredible, but what will happen to you if users have to go to the fourth page of results to find you?
Could you not play it? Implementing a good SEO strategy, which includes quality Page SEO actions, can make the difference between success and failure for your business.
Main techniques to do Off Page SEO
They are not the only methods, but they are the main ones. Take good note of them!
- Linkbuilding: generation of external links to the site through purchase or exchange, inclusion in specialized thematic directories, guest posts, etc.
- Linkbating: generation of links naturally thanks to the quality of the content.
- Use of Social Networks: through a strategy to bring traffic to the web.
- Mentions and contributions: brand mentions and comments from influencers, participation in specialized forums, blogs, etc.
What is a Page SEO audit?
An SEO audit is an exhaustive analysis of the situation of a website on the Internet and its causes. Therefore, a Page SEO audit, the part that concerns us, will be the analysis of the external elements of a website that affect its positioning in search engines.
A Page SEO audit aims to find a website's errors and disadvantages in its off-site aspect. In this way, by locating weak points, potential solutions to those problems can be sought.
Who can do a Off Page SEO audit?
The Off-Page SEO audit should be carried out by a professional with extensive knowledge in the field, such as the NeoAttack Agency, whose blog has you so entertained. This is the simplest way to achieve quality results.
However, to a certain extent, any webmaster can try his hand at SEO to squeeze out his page's possibilities. Although, logically, the conclusions reached will not be the same, nor will the solutions applied.
When to do a Page SEO audit?
Although it may be a truism to say it, the Off Page SEO audit should be carried out before implementing any off-site strategy. Before doing anything, the best option is to know what works, what doesn't, and why this is so.
Backlinks Number of incoming links
Backlinks are the essence of Off Page SEO. For search engines, the greater the number of times a page is linked to from other websites, the greater its quality and importance.
This should be sought naturally through a quality content creation strategy. Failure to do so could lead to penalties for such unethical practices as spam.
The quantity of backlinks is important, but the quality is even more important. The higher the authority of the page linking to you, the better. The benefits to Google will be greater due to link juice, the power transfer carried out in this process.
Follow – nofollow relationship Don't mess around with Penguin
Before entering into the relationship that should exist between dofollow and nofollow links, it is important to clarify the difference between both types:
Dofollow links are those configured so that when Google robots pass by, they follow them to their destination. In some way, with this, we are telling the search engine that this page is important and that we give permission for a connection to be established between both websites.
As a result, the authority is transferred from the source page to the destination page. This is essential to achieve growth in traffic and Google Pagerank.
On the other hand, nofollow links are telling the opposite to Google robots. An association of this type means the search engine that the destination is not important and that it does not have to track it, preventing the transfer of authority from taking place.
Considering this, mark all links from your website to another domain as nofollow. Please don't do it; you would be making a big mistake.
Google would understand this as an over-optimization of your site's SEO, precisely one of the elements that the Penguin algorithm penalizes. Consequently, your web positioning would be harmed, so avoid this practice.
A natural link to a page should have approximately 70% dofollow links and 30% nofollow links. If you are around that percentage when doing the off-page SEO audit of your site, congratulations! Google penalizes lack of naturalness, and, let's be clear, a page without follow links is very far from this.
Google ranking link strength
One of the factors used to measure the quality of backlinks is authority, the so-called Domain Authority (DA). This metric, determined by a value from 1 to 100, refers to the weight that a website has within organic positioning.
Talking about authority is talking about the weight that a website has on the Internet. That is if it has a privileged position when entering the keywords we want to position in search engines. Therefore, paying attention to this aspect in an Off Page SEO audit is very important.
Although the DA is not public information, it can be easily obtained with SEO tools such as Moz or Ahrefs.
Anchors text the gateway to Off-Page SEO
The anchor text is the text in which the link is inserted, the anchor on which the URL that will take you to another page sits. As you can imagine, anchor text matters a lot. It would help if you did not analyze them during a Page SEO audit.
Google penalizes always linking to a page using the same anchor text, especially if this is done by abusing a keyword. However, any pattern existing in anchor text can penalize you.
The idea is for the anchor to be brief, clear, attractive, and related to the link to which it links. The user must know what they will find on the other side of the link before clicking on it.
Although it is not the most common practice, an image may produce a link. In this case, you must ensure that the alt text is optimized to improve the positioning of the image in search engines.
What to do after performing an Off Page SEO audit?
The Off-Page SEO audit has only been the first step in improving the external elements of your website that affect its positioning. Once finished, you must get to work and work with all the information you have extracted.
To do this, I recommend that you follow these five steps:
Step 1: Make a list
Surely, your website's off-page SEO audit has provided you with much unknown information. You must manage all that new data, so list the most relevant ones.
Step 2: Decide what you are going to do
After organizing the data extracted from the off-page SEO audit, you must decide what actions you will take to optimize your website as much as possible and the objectives you intend to achieve with them. This involves both solving problems and trying to improve the successes you already had. Pay attention to what you were already doing well!
To do this, it is essential that you know and organize the resources you have available. Once this is done, prioritize your actions based on their cost and potential impact on your website.
Step 3: Decide when you are going to do it
You already know what to do, the resources you have for it, and the order in which you want to do it: now you must schedule it. Estimate the time each action will take and create a timeline with stages, objectives, and periodic reports that measure the impact of your efforts.
Step 4: Put your action plan into action
You probably saw this moment as very distant at the beginning of your off-page SEO audit, but it has finally arrived: put your plan into action. It's time for you to put all your expertise and initiative at the seo audits services for your site.
Remember that off-page SEO optimization of a website is a long-term commitment based on many actions carried out in the short term. Sometimes, you may not see great impacts, but trust in your work: if the activities are quality, they will be noticed in the long run.
Step 5: Evaluate the results
The last step of any good work sequence is measuring the results obtained. To do this, compare them with the actions to take and your objectives in step two. How have the results been? If they are not what you expected, repeat the process; don't despair!
Carrying out a Page SEO audit and solving the problems found is arduous and complicated. If so, don't worry; You can always contact SEO professionals who will be happy to help you.
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