What is Purna Bhujangasana (Advance Cobra Pose) and its Benefits?

What is Purna Bhujangasana (Advance Cobra Pose) and its Benefits?
8 min read
14 September 2023

What is Purna Bhujangasana (Advance Cobra Pose) and its Benefits? Purna Bhujangasana or advance cobra pose is an advance backward bending yoga pose. The practice of the Advance Cobra Pose strengthens the spine, making it as strong as that of a cobra. It is beneficial in curing all spine-related ailments. Purna (Join our yoga school in Rishikesh) Bhujangasana has a powerful effect on all of the organs related to Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, and Vishuddi Chakras.

What is Purna Bhujangasana (Advance Cobra Pose)

Purna Bhujangasana is derived from three Sanskrit words: Purna, Bhujanga, and Asana which means are as follow:

  • Purna - Advance
  • Bhujanga - Cobra
  • Asana - Posture

Pronunciation of Purna Bhujangasana - poo-rna-bhu-ja-ang-asana.

The Asana is named Bhujangasana since your body is brought forward in an unusual way that resembles a snake. While doing Poorna Bhujangasana, our spine moves toward becoming as flexible as a snake's. Besides our spine, we also animate our heart, chest in concert. The posture of Purna Bhujangasana cannot be achieved by just anybody. Your spine must be quite flexible to accomplish Poorna Bhujangasana. By doing Poorna Bhujangasana, you may be able to unleash the stiffness in your entire back- your cervical, middle, and lumber back, as well as release your neck. Purna Bhujangasana offers several health benefits, including reducing Stress, enhancing mental and physical Focus, strengthening hip, knee, and thigh muscles, helping to reduce back pain as well as enhancing digestive health. 

Benefits of Purna Bhujangasana (Advance Cobra Pose)

There are several health benefits of Purna Bhujangasana or advance cobra pose as we discussed above. So, let's move to the Benefits of (Join our yoga teacher training in Rishikesh) Purna Bhujangasana are listed below:

  • Strengthen the Body
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health
  • Reduce Back Pain
  • Improves Digestive Health
  • Enhance Sexual Health
  • Stimulates the Thyroid
  • Reduce Stress
  • Reduce Body Fat

Let's move in detail how we get these benefits by regular practicing of Purna Bhujangasana are as follows:

  • Strengthen the Body

With regular practice of Purna Bhujangasana, you can stretch your back, abdomen, legs, and hips muscles, which will increase blood flow in these areas and supply them with more oxygen and nutrition, strengthening them.

  • Improves Cardiovascular Health

Practicing Purna Bhujangasana regularly helps improve cardiovascular health and helps prevent a variety of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks, strokes, high cholesterol, etc. As we lift our upper body upward, it creates pressure on our chest, which helps to open our chest muscles and improve circulation, thereby reducing the strain on our blood vessels and preventing the formation of fat and cholesterol in our body.

  • Reduce Back Pain

The practice of Purna Bhujangasana regularly can help those who suffer from chronic back pain, as the asana exerts a great deal of pressure on the spine and also stretches the spine, in turn improving flexibility.

  • Improves Digestive Health

Purna Bhujangasana is very helpful in improving our digestive health and preventing various digestion-related issues, in addition to promoting the production of digestive juice and enzyme that aid in digesting food.

  • Enhance Sexual Health

As we practice Purna Bhujangasana, we stretch our sexual organ, which produces stress hormones in that area, stimulating our reproductive organ. We also improve blood flow to the sexual organ, leading to better performance.

  • Stimulates the Thyroid

As we move our upper body upward, it creates pressure on our chest, which helps to open our chest muscles and improve circulation, thereby reducing the strain on our blood vessels and preventing the formation of fat and cholesterol in our body.

  • Reduce Stress

Regular practice of Purna Bhujangasana improves the flow of blood to the brain and reduces stress and anxiety. This is because, while doing this asana, our head is going against gravity, which improves the (Join our 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh) flow of blood to the brain.

  • Reduce Body Fat

Regular practice of Purna Bhujangasana provides stretch to the whole body which tones the body and helps to reduce body fat.

Now, let's look at how to do Purna Bhujangasana or advance cobra pose to get all these benefits.

How To Do Purna Bhujangasana (Advance Cobra Pose)

How to do Purna Bhujangasana or advance cobra pose includes the beginner's tips, preparatory poses, step by step procedure, counter poses or follow-up poses, variations, precautions, and contradictions Purna Bhujangasana. Make sure you have mastered Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) before practicing Purna Bhujangasana. Let's start with the beginners tips are as follows:

Beginners Tips for Purna Bhujangasana (Advance Cobra Pose)

Here are some of the beginner's tips you should be kept in mind while performing Purna Bhujangasana or advance cobra pose are as follows:

  • Do not strain or stretch the body beyond its limits as this could cause unnecessary pain.
  • Before you practice Purna Bhujangasana, make sure you've mastered Bhujangasana.

Preparatory Poses for Purna Bhujangasana (Advance Cobra Pose)

Here are some of the preparatory poses for Purna Bhujangasana or advance cobra pose before you practice Bhujangasana, you can start (Join our 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh) with these preparatory poses are as follows:

  • Hasta Uthanasana - raised arms pose
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - Shoulder supported bridge Pose
  • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana - Upward Facing Dog Pose
  • Bhujangasana - Cobra pose
  • Tiryaka Bhujangasana - Twisted Cobra pose

Steps for Simhagarjasana Purna Bhujangasana (Advance Cobra Pose)

Here are the steps to perform Purna Bhujangasana or advance cobra pose correctly to avoid any kind of injury and maximize the benefits are as follows:

  1. Lie flat on your stomach on a yoga mat.
  2. Place both hands on either side.
  3. Keep feet apart with your toes straight.
  4. Now, keep your hands beside the chest, palms facing down.
  5. Now, Inhale: slowly raise your torso and arch backward.
  6. At the same time: Lift legs off the ground.
  7. Try to touch your head with your feet's toes. (as much as you can).
  8. Exhale: comes back to the initial position.

DURATION: Hold this position for thirty seconds(in Step7). Then, take a rest for thirty seconds. Then, repeat this process 4 to 5 times in one session.

Follow-Up Poses of Simhagarjasana Purna Bhujangasana (Advance Cobra Pose)

Here are some of the follow-up poses or counterposes for Purna Bhujangasana or advance cobra pose you should perform after performing the Purna Bhujangasana are as follows:

  • Bitilasana - Cow Pose
  • Pashchimottanasana, Seated Forward Bend
  • Uttanasana - Standing Forward Bend
  • Naman Pranamasana - Rabbit Pose

Precautions and Contraindications for Purna Bhujangasana (Advance Cobra Pose)

Here are the precautions and contradictions for Purna Bhujangasana or advance cobra pose are kept in mind before performing Purna Bhujangasana are as follows:

  • You should avoid practicing (Join our 500 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh) Purna Bhujangasana if you are stiff or have a weak back, weak joints, or weak heart.
  • You should avoid practicing Purna Bhujangasana if you have any of the following conditions:
  • back pain
  • high blood pressure
  • joint pain
  • hernia
  • hyperthyroidism
  • spinal disorders
  • ulcer
  • intestinal tuberculosis
  • cervical spondylitis

Advance Poses or Variations of Purna Bhujangasana (Advance Cobra Pose)

Here are some variations of Purna Bhujangasana or advance cobra pose are as follows:

  • Bhujangasana or Cobra pose - Purna Bhujangasana is the advanced level of Bhujangasana or cobra pose. In this, only the upper body is raised and also the legs stay on the ground.
  • Tiryak Bhujangasana or Swaying Yoga Pose - Tiryak Bhujangasana is also advance level of Bhujangasana or cobra pose. In this, after you get in Bhjangasana, look back at your feet one by one.
  • Half cobra pose or Ardha Bhujangasana - It is a variation of Bhujangasana which is a back-bending yoga in modern yoga as exercise.


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