What is understood by functional medicine Doctors: Dr. Priti Nanda

2 min read

Functional medicine is a holistic and patient-centered approach to health care that focuses on addressing root causes of disease and improving body function programs. Dr. Priti Nanda Sibal Best functional medicine doctor in Gurgaon.

Here are some of the basic principles and characteristics associated with practicing medical pharmacists.

Holistic approach: Functional medicine views the body as an integrated and interconnected system rather than a collection of isolated organs and symptoms. Clinicians consider the interactions between genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that may influence health.

Patient-centered care: Functional medicine emphasizes individualized patient-centered care. Physicians spend time with patients developing personalized treatment plans by understanding their specific medical history, genetic makeup, lifestyle and environment

Identifying the root cause: Rather than simply treating the symptoms, homeopaths aim to identify and address the root cause of the disease. This may include factors such as poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances, toxins, and other contributing factors.

Focused on prevention: Functional medicine strongly emphasizes preventive measures and lifestyle interventions to promote long-term health and well-being. This can include nutrition, exercise, stress management, and other lifestyle tips.

Integration of traditional and alternative approaches: Medical professionals can combine two traditional and alternative therapies, tailoring their approach to the specific needs of the patient. This can be around nutrition, supplements, lifestyle changes, and prescription medications when needed.

Use of Advanced Testing: Functional medicine generally uses specialized laboratory tests to assess various health parameters of the disease such as hormone levels, nutritional status, and genetics Thus these studies help to define individualized targeted treatment programs.

Focus on health promotion: The ultimate goal of functional medicine is not just to cure diseases but to improve health and promote overall well-being. This proactive approach seeks to empower patients to actively participate in their health.

It is important to note that although practice of medicine is popular, perceptions of its effectiveness and acceptability among the broader medical community may differ Some medical professionals appreciate the process as their own and comprehensive, while others may have doubts about certain aspects or lack formal evidence from all the practices in the field

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