
How much money does YouTube give on 100 views?

11 June 2023 · 24 ·

youtube money

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The amount of money that YouTube pays for 100 views can vary significantly and is influenced by several factors. YouTube generates revenue through ads that are displayed on videos, and the income earned per view depends on factors such as the location of the viewers, the demographics of the audience, the type of ad displayed, and the engagement level of viewers with the ads.

YouTube's payment structure is based on a metric called CPM (cost per thousand views), which represents the amount of money advertisers are willing to pay for every thousand ad views. The CPM rates can vary widely, ranging from a few cents to several dollars or more, depending on the factors mentioned earlier.

Additionally, YouTube takes a percentage of the revenue generated from ads, typically around 45% of the total ad revenue. Therefore, the actual amount a content creator earns per 100 views will be a portion of the total ad revenue, after YouTube's share is deducted.

It is challenging to provide an exact figure for how much money YouTube gives for 100 views because of the various factors involved and the constantly changing nature of ad rates and revenue sharing.

According to a post by Hubspot, 0.38 CPM is average for the U.S. While 4.38 CPM is the average in Spain. The country with the highest average at the time was Mauritius at 7.05 CPM.

There is no fixed rate that 100 views you will get in cents or usd because it depends on the advertisments that converts for Google customers. For example, if a person select Google Adwords for $10 per leads then Google may give $5 as approximate in their automation. However, they also give some bonuses for 1000 views depend on their rules. There is no grantee to tell the exact figure. I hope you understand my complete research.

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