
What are the developmental stages of a swimmer?

14 March 2023 ยท


Question answers (1)

14 March 2023
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The developmental stages of a swimmer are typically:

  1. Learn-to-Swim: This stage focuses on basic water safety and building comfort in the water. Swimmers learn how to blow bubbles, float, kick, and use arm strokes.

  2. Stroke Development: In this stage, swimmers develop on the basic skills they learned in the Learn-to-Swim stage. They learn proper technique for the four main strokes - freestyle (also known as front crawl), backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly.

  3. Competitive Swimming: At this stage, swimmers have mastered the four main strokes and start competing in swim meets. They learn how to refine their technique and improve their times in each stroke.

  4. High-Level Competition: In this final stage, swimmers have become proficient in all four strokes and compete at a high level. They often have specialized in a particular event or stroke and work on refining their skills to compete at their highest level.

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