climatechange (9)

Scientists Can Now Prove That Climate Change Is Causing Natural Disasters

Longer fire seasons. Stronger hurricanes. More intense heatwaves and floods. Across the world, climate events are getting more extreme. And while there’s little doubt that global warming is to blame, proving that fault for specific weather even...

Alex · 25 November 2020 · 72

Fusion Energy Could Be a Reality in Less Than 5 Years

The joke about nuclear fusion is it’s always 30 years away. There are currently massive projects like ITER with the goal of delivering clean limitless energy but a working fusion reactor has never been achieved. Recently though researchers from...

Alex · 23 October 2020 · 101

Temperature Records and Extremes: A Look at Historic Weather Events

Temperature Records and Extremes: A Look at Historic Weather Events Weather has always been a topic of fascination and concern for humanity. It affects our daily lives, agriculture, infrastructure, and more. While we often experience a range of tem...

heatpumpsupplier · 07 November 2023 · 1

The Impact of Climate Change on Travel

Climate change is a global issue that is already having significant impacts on our planet. One area where its effects are becoming increasingly noticeable is during the winter holiday season. As the climate continues to warm, traditional winter activ...

Anne Kay · 03 February · 1

Understanding Climate Change: A Comprehensive Look at the Data

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing our planet today. As human activities continue to release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the Earth's climate is undergoing significant shifts with far-reaching consequences. In this article, we will delve into the key data points that highlight the reality of cl...

SG Analytics · 09 January · 1

10 Tips for Finding the Best Climate Change Books Online

In today's digital age, the internet offers a vast array of resources for those seeking to deepen their understanding of climate change and its implications. With so many options available, finding the best climate change books online can seem like a...

scientific pubonline · 13 March · 1

How does climate change affect my health?

Climate change can have direct and indirect effects on human health. These health impacts can result from various aspects of climate change, including rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and altered environmental conditions. Here are some of the ways in which climate change can affect human health: Heat-Related Illnesses: Increasin...

Gyatk · 19 December 2023 · 1

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

All of us felt the impact of global warming.Winters are colder and summers are brutal. In India, climate change is affecting human health, food production, clean water access and economy.  India has committed to counter global warming at various inte...

Darpan Dhiman · 24 January · 1

Why do companies need to reduce carbon footprint?

So, why should your company join the carbon-shrinking crew? Well, buckle up, because the reasons are as clear as a sunny day! Green Savings: Reducing your footprint means using less energy, fuel, and resources. That translates to lower bills and boo...

Gyatk · 26 January · 1