Linux This Month: RHEL 8.4, SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 & 1Password for Linux
This month, we'll be racing around looking at all the updates and other interesting things that have happened in this past month, in the wonderful and often wacky world of Linux and open source, inclu...
07 June 2021
· 138
Den W.
Linux This Month - Kernel 5.8-rc3 and big changes for SUSE & openSUSE
In this article, we're going to be covering the latest updates to the Linux kernel, which were announced with the release of Kernel 5.8 - RC 3. There are also big changes for openSuse, but before we d...
13 August 2020
· 142
Top 5 Best KDE Plasma Linux Distros of 2020
KDE Plasma has been evolving at a great pace. It has improved significantly in terms of both looks and performance in recent years. Today it is more refined and faster than ever. KDE has undergone a p...
29 March 2020
· 25.8K