Actionable Tips for Running a Successful Voice of the Customer (VOC) Program

Actionable Tips for Running a Successful Voice of the Customer (VOC) Program
3 min read
02 February 2023

As businesses strive to stay ahead of the competition, the importance of understanding and meeting the needs of customers has become crucial. The Voice of the Customer (VOC) program is a crucial tool for businesses to gather feedback, insights, and suggestions from customers. The insights gained through a VOC program help businesses identify areas of improvement, tailor their offerings, and increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy. In this article, we’ll discuss actionable tips for running a successful VOC program.

Determine the purpose and goals of your VOC program

Before starting your VOC program, it’s important to determine the purpose and goals. Are you looking to improve customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, or track customer feedback over time? Having a clear purpose will help you create an effective program that meets your goals.

Choose the right method for gathering feedback

There are several methods to gather feedback from customers, including surveys, focus groups, customer service interactions, and Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys. NPS surveys are a popular and effective method for gathering feedback because they are quick and easy for customers to complete and provide a quantitative score that can be easily tracked over time.

Engage customers at the right time

The timing of your feedback request is crucial. If you ask customers for feedback when they are busy or not satisfied, you’re likely to receive negative feedback. On the other hand, if you engage customers when they are satisfied and have time, you’re likely to receive more positive and actionable feedback.

Use a survey platform

Survey platforms make it easier to create, distribute, and analyze feedback from customers. Choose a platform that is user-friendly and customizable, and that offers the ability to integrate feedback into your customer relationship management (CRM) system.

Ask the right questions

The questions you ask in your VOC program should be focused and relevant to your goals. Avoid asking too many questions or asking questions that are too open-ended as this can lead to low response rates and difficult-to-analyze data. Instead, ask specific questions that will help you achieve your goals.

Analyze feedback and take action

Once you have collected feedback from customers, it’s important to analyze the data and take action. Use the insights gained from the feedback to identify areas for improvement, prioritize changes, and develop an action plan. It’s also important to communicate the results of the VOC program to your customers and stakeholders, and let them know what actions you’re taking as a result of their feedback.


Continuously improve and update your program

Your VOC program should be a living and evolving process. Continuously review and update your program based on feedback from customers, changes in your business, and advancements in technology.

Wrap up

In conclusion, a successful VOC program can help businesses understand and meet the needs of customers, improve customer satisfaction, and increase loyalty and advocacy. By following these actionable tips, you can create an effective VOC program that will provide valuable insights and drive business success. Don’t forget to include the Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey as a method to gather customer feedback and track customer satisfaction over time.

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