Laravel vs. Django: Which Framework Should You Use?

Laravel vs. Django: Which Framework Should You Use?
7 min read
17 November 2022

Despite its widespread adoption and ever-increasing demand for flexibility in design, web development has received a great deal of focus and is rapidly evolving. Web developers often use Laravel vs Django, two popular back-end development platforms.

Python's Model View Template (MVT) is the basis for Django, an open-source web development framework. Many advanced web apps like it.

Laravel framework is free and open-source web based on PHP and MVC architecture. It can be used to build a CMS application and has a wide variety of features.

Analysis of Web Application Frameworks

Django has been shown to be the second most widely used Python framework in the Python Developers Survey 2020. In contrast, the most recent Stackoverflow poll ranks it ninth among all the currently available web frameworks. Over 646,000 live websites are now using Laravel. According to projections, Laravel will be the most used PHP framework in 2020.

Which one, therefore, is best for your web app? That, of course, is a good question; it depends on your requirements. Let's go deep into the features of both Django vs Laravel.

What is Laravel?

Laravel, developed by Taylor Otwell in 2011, allows for the rapid creation of content management systems. Its better framework and other built-in capabilities are well-known for simplifying developers' work.

Major Advantages and Features of Laravel

1. Generates Templates

As standard, Laravel's lightweight layout uses dynamic content seeding to create eye-catching layouts. It also provides a solid framework for various widgets that combine CSS and JS. 

2. MVC Framework Support

Laravel's MVC support guarantees that your application's logic and display layers may exist independently. This optimizes the application's flexibility by using several in-built features that boost speed and security.

3. Security

Laravel is known for having very robust web application security. It is hashed and salted to ensure that the password is never stored in clear text inside the database. And it generates encrypted passwords with the help of the "Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm."

Sets of SQL statements protect against SQL injection.

4. Authentication of Codes

Inconsistent values, or those that can't be assigned to a particular variable, are routinely purged from Laravel's code via a standardized approach.

5. Attractive Object Relational Mapping and Code Development

Eloquent is an EORM used by Laravel. It provides a simple Active Record implementation in PHP. Web application developers may now write database queries using PHP syntax rather than SQL code. Comparatively speaking, Eloquent is a lot quicker than older PHP frameworks.

6. Enable Libraries and Modular Functionalities

For engineers, Laravel's built-in support for Object-Oriented and Modular libraries is a boon since these features are lacking from many other PHP frameworks. The Authentication library, for instance, is implemented in a fairly fundamental way and provides a variety of useful features.

7. In-built tools

Whether you're an old hand at writing sophisticated apps or just getting started, Laravel can help you radically improve your process. The framework's built-in tools, including the pre-built extensions and the high-quality community libraries and tools, complement each other well. Many useful tools are available with Laravel, including the Laravel Debugbar, the IDE Helper, Laravel Tinker, and Laravel Socialite.

8. Compatibility

To generate commands automatically, Laravel uses Artisan. The naming conventions, interfaces, namespaces, and boilerplate code needed for artisan-generated code will already be in place. It's also easy to build your code generators if you ever need to.

What is Django?

Django, an outstanding open-source framework created in 2005 by the Django Software Foundation, stands out due to its independence from other software. Django simplifies the management of increasingly complex online applications.

Special Capabilities and Benefits of Django

1. Versatile

Django is versatile enough to be used to create almost any website. Compatible with any client-side framework, it may provide material in several formats, such as HTML, RSS feeds, JSON, and XML.

2. Fast Processed

Django's main benefit over competing frameworks is its unique design. Using the MTV architecture, which Django uses, enables sending data over the Internet quickly. Aside from a very reliable service, its servers also provide lightning-fast processing times.

3. Secure

Django's security architecture was developed with a focus on "doing the right things" concerning website protection. Engineers now have a foolproof method for keeping tabs on user accounts and passwords, and they can avoid potentially dangerous practices like storing session data in cookies.

4. Scalable

Django is built using a "shared-nothing" component architecture. Each design component may be modified or replaced independently of the others. By separating its many features, it can quickly grow to accommodate increased traffic by adding hardware at any level, whether cache servers, database servers, or application servers. It's safe to say that Django has scaled well enough to support the busiest of the popular Django web development services.

5. ORM (Object Relational Mapper)

The ORM in Django is a great piece of architecture that facilitates easy record database administration and therefore, database interaction. Because of this, a basic grasp of SQL is all that is needed to function as an engineer.

6. In-built tools

Django provides many useful applications, such as email systems, algorithm-based generators, admin dashboards, investment fund management interfaces, data analysis tools, verification systems, and more. The time spent writing code for finished projects is cut down with the help of these technologies. Furthermore, it aids in code quality by promoting adherence to established norms and best practices.

7. Compatibility

Django can work with a system built on microservices, allowing for speedy rollout, adaptability, and pre-existing safety measures. Dividing a Django project into smaller microservices that handle specific tasks and functions allows for rapid scaling. In addition, Django's internationalization framework provides support for other languages, broadening the scope of sites that may use it.

Finally, which one to choose?

There is a lot of overlap between apps that can be built with Django and those built with Laravel. The key difference between the two is the web application framework they use, with the former supporting Python and the later supporting PHP. Because of this, features and libraries must be tailored to specific needs.

Compared to other frameworks, Django excels in terms of performance (partly because of the quicker Python), scalability, and upkeep. Some of the built-in features are decorators, Search Engine Optimization instruments, and supplementary libraries. Comparatively, Laravel's minimal features and presence of strategy infusion make it more accessible to newcomers.

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Jane Brewer 47
Joined: 1 year ago
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