algorithms (5)

Why My Teenage Code Was Terrible: Sorting Algorithms and Big O Notation

When I was about 15, I had a week of ‘work experience’. Americans would call that an ‘internship’, but that’s not really right: work experience is a thing in British schools that basically just gets the older kids out of...

Jacob Enderson · 3 years ago · 86

Algorithms vs Pseudocode: Difference You Should Know

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional in computer programming, you might have definitely come across the terms algorithm and pseudocode. Pseudocode and algorithm are closely related to computer programming. Let’s dive into the def...

vijaykhatri96 · 30 August 2022 · 63

Substring search algorithms in JavaScript

Recently, I came across a not very difficult task on LeetCode. Within the task, I had to implement an algorithm to search for a substring in a string. While I was trying to solve the task, I realized that I knew very little about how to search for a...

Jacob Enderson · 11 months ago · 96

Types of Asymptotic Notations in Complexity Analysis of Algorithms

Introduction In the world of computer science and software development, understanding the efficiency of algorithms is of paramount importance. It not only helps in designing better algorithms but also aids in optimizing existing ones. Complexity analysis is the key to achieving this, and one of the fundamental tools in complexity analysis is asymp...

Ishita Juneja · 01 October 2023 · 6

Illuminating Algorithmic Significance in Data Science: A Comprehensive Exploration

This section sheds light on the indispensable role that algorithms play in the dynamic field of data science. The primary focus is on elucidating their transformative power in converting raw data into actionable insights, spec...

Vicky M · 17 January · 2