eu (3)

How Good Are EU LoL Teams?

The EU LoL teams are some of the most impressive squads on the eSports LoL circuit. EU LoL teams are receiving a lot of attention this season, specifically the European Masters and Regional Leagues. ERLs have become a popular market for EU talent af...

Alex · 1 year ago · 87

Top royalty jurisdictions

Given that within the European Union there are no withholding taxes on IP royalties between member states, we can suggest a number of countries where royalties are particularly advantageous. CYPRUSThe intellectual property royalties tax regime in Cyprus has changed as a result of the recommendations of the Organization for Economic Co-operation an...

ConfidusSolutions · 13 September 2022 · 29

Will it become impossible to process personal data outside the EU?

A new EU ruling now makes it more cumbersome, and perhaps in some cases completely impossible, to send personal data out of the EU if you use non-European suppliers for e.g. its cloud solutions. The result of the European Court of Justice's ruli...

Alex · 27 August 2020 · 38