keywords (4)

Optimizing Your Web Pages: On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is like the foundation of your website's success in search engine rankings. It's all about fine-tuning individual pages to make them more search engine and user-friendly. Here's a breakdo...
30 April ·
· 6 · andrew smith

Mastering the Art of Keywords A Beginner's Guide to Enhance Website Visibility

  Understanding the Power of Keywords In the realm of digital presence, keywords play a pivotal role in defining visibility. They are the compass guiding online traffic towards your website. In simple terms, keywords are specific words or phrases that users type into search engines to find in...
25 November 2023 ·
· 1 · Urooj Fatima

Meta tags and how it impacts on SEO optimization

What are Meta tags ? An easy way to let understand search engines what page is really about. “Meta means metadata” which type of data these tags provides – data about the data on your page. Meta tags usually exists in head tag of the html which are only visible to the search engi...
27 June 2023 ·
· 8 · Rajasree Pothula

Business Failures and Why They Happened: Why Startup & Business Fail

Starting a business can be exciting and rewarding but challenging. According to Forbes, 90% of startups fail within their first year of operation. In this blog, we will explore some reasons why startu...
09 April 2023 ·
· 4 · Maham. Khalid