online certification (4)

The ABC’s of Machine Learning Algorithms

Healthcare, education, food, entertainment, and other industries are all being transformed by machine learning. The field has recently experienced tremendous growth. There are both supervised and unsupervised learning methods included in this broad c...

UniAthena · 11 months ago · 82

Machine Learning: A Goldmine of Professional Opportunities

Machine Learning Algorithms may sound mysterious and elusive. In reality, Machine learning applications can be seen everywhere around us. As Artificial Intelligence takes off, this sub-divison has also found its share of popularity across different i...

UniAthena · 08 May 2023 · 16

4 Reasons to Become an HR Professional

If you have ever worked in an office environment, chances are you have encountered an Human Resource Management professional (HRM). The HR department is a significant part of every individual’s professional journey, from your first day to your...

UniAthena · 1 year ago · 29

Benefits of professional certification to your employees

Almost all employers have reasons to request professional certification, such as a personal sense of accomplishment, an increase in compensation and rank, or a promotion with the goal of career advancement. Professional certification, however, benefits both corporations and employees. If you're an employee trying to further your career, acquiring...

Alex · 15 February 2023 · 22