Deku, or Izuku Midoriya, to be precise, is the protagonist of the My Hero Academia anime and manga series. Unlike most superheroes, Deku was born without superpowers. Because of this, he has finished his entire life pursuing his dream of becoming a hero. Deku's extreme popularity has created a huge demand for a free tutorial on how to draw Deku. Finally, we've created a step-by-step process for drawing Deku, simplified with 9 easy steps and simple illustrations.Go ahead, grab a piece of paper with your favorite drawing tool and let's draw together!
You can draw more drawing ideas like flower drawings, cartoon drawings, 3D drawings, bird drawings, landscape drawings, animal drawings, and many more.
Drawing Deku - Lets Start
Step 1
At the top of your paper, draw an uneven circular shape that will form Deku's head. Note that the shape must have a width greater than the length. When drawing, avoid pressing too hard on the outlines with your pen. It is important to draw the shape with a light stroke so you can later easily remove all unnecessary parts of the shape that you no longer need.
Step 2
Circle one ear on either side of the head, drawing semi-circle shapes. He creates the two ears, Deku. Both ears should be as equal as possible and aligned with each other. You can use reference lines to ensure the ears are drawn on the same plane.
step 3
Draw several pointed shapes to create Deku's unique hairstyle. Be sure to add tufts of spiky hair - it's one of Deku's most distinctive features! Also, don't forget to erase the overlapping line of the outline inside the hair with an eraser! This helps to keep your drawing more refined and, above all, neat.
step 4
Just below the head, draw two parallel curved lines that will form the collar of Deku's shirt. Then sketch two perpendicular lines on each side with a horizontal line at the base to create the shirt. As you can see from the figure, Deku's head is relatively larger than his body. That's how it should be! So hold that in mind throughout the process.
step 5
Structure Deku's two legs directly under his torso. To do this, draw a vertical rectangular shape with a turn-up at the bottom to create a pant leg. Then sketch a similar figure on the opposing side, and voila - Deku is now wearing pleated pants at the bottom!
step 6
Draw a thick shoe, pointing in opposite directions, on the bottom of each leg. Make sure the shape and size of the shoes are the same.
step 7
Continue by drawing a narrow, angular shape that will form the arms. After that, draw a clenched fist directly connected to each arm. As you can see in the photo, Deku's arms are pointing in opposite directions.
step 8
In this step, we will now work on Deku's facial features. We'll start with the eyes and continue to the mouth. Draw two large uneven circular forms side by side to create Deku's eyes. Then sketch an upright oval shape with an inner oval shape in each eye to create the pupil and iris, respectively.
Next, draw a small circle overlapping the top of the pupil. Then shade the entire iris. To create the freckles, draw several small dots under each eye on both cheeks. Then draw a wide curved line to give Deku's face a big smile.
step 9
Use the illustration as a guide to drawing the designs on the collar, shirt, sleeve, pants, belt, and shoes. Make sure you don't miss a thing to complete Deku's signature battle costume! Don't forget to trace the center of Deku's hair, following the shape of his hair!We've successfully drawn Deku, so it's time to move on to the part you've probably been waiting for: choosing colors and coloring your drawing!
This is where you can show off your artistic skills and mix and match different colors.Deku has dark green hair while the color of his outfit is the same as his hair, but some parts are dyed black and white. On the other hand, his belt and his shoes are red.You can choose to use Deku's original color palette or a unique color scheme. Either way, we're sure the colors will look great! Have fun playing
Learn more Deku
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