What is 'Landing Page' Optimization And Why Is It So Important For Your SEO?

4 min read
03 July 2023

What is a landing page?

A landing page refers to the specific location that an advert or marketing funnel points toward. So, let’s say that you engage with an attractive looking advert for a new skincare product on Instagram, and then you click on the link and it takes you to a different website; that first page you encounter is the “landing page”. Sometimes a homepage, though typically some form of sales landing page.

Why is landing page optimization so important for your SEO?

Optimising your landing page is not just about improving your SEO (although it certainly helps); landing page optimization is in fact primarily focused on increasing the overall level of conversions that you receive through your landing page.

Of course, the more time people spend on your landing page – and indeed the more people who convert into customers – the more Google will value your page. The search giant will deem it as clearly being an interesting page that their users like to engage with and will reward you with more visibility as a result.

And it all begins with some simple landing page optimizations:

  • Define the purpose of your landing page: in order to effectively do this, you need to know your audience, your competitors, and where your product or service fits into the marketplace. Once you better understand the purpose of your landing page you can optimise it accordingly with the proper keywords, compelling content, and CTA (to name a few).
  • Identify all potential problems: you want to identify both the potential objections your page visitors will have (of which there are many), and indeed any features on your landing page that could hinder your conversions. This is why split-testing (or A/B testing) is so important, because it gives you an opportunity to test various ‘versions’ of your landing page and determine what works and what does not.
  • Don’t neglect the crucial landing page features: think of a landing page like a mini journey with a number of critical steps along the way:
  • The value proposition (what do your prospects gain from choosing you?)
  • Your copy (is your copy gripping and engaging? Does it encourage the website visitor to read right through to the end?)
  • CTA (what are the next steps you want your prospects to take?)
  • Visual graphics (images and infographics can be powerful conversion tools when utilised well).
  • True indicators (include as much social proof as you can and demonstrate to your audience that you can be relied upon to deliver as promised).
  • Optimise with Google in mind: while the primary function of your landing page should be to accommodate your leads and nurture them into new clients or customers, you also need to account for search engines in your optimizations.
  • Meta elements such as title, descriptions, and URL.
  • Landing page copy with the appropriate headers, body text, and alt text.
  • Test and refine: continue optimising your landing page and making the necessary changes until your conversions are optimal.

Note, the overall design of your landing page is important – though it isn’t the be all and end all. There’s no good following the current web design trends for 2023 so that yours looks the part, without putting the appropriate amount of time into perfecting your message. Find the balance.


Optimising your landing page is primarily focused on improving the overall on-page experience for your prospects. Every change you make should be with the intention of adding value, demonstrating your authority, and upping those conversions. Fortunately, the better your page performs, the more likely it will be to be picked up by Google, thus contributing to your SEO. As a result, the page will gain even more visibility.

If you don’t have the time to be split-testing and making so many changes on the fly, it may be worth hiring a digital marketing agency to assist you. There’s an excellent SEO agency in Dubai with lots of social proof and significant experience in this regard.

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Alex 5.4K
Joined: 5 years ago
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