reactjs (73)

Implementing Pagination in React.js: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

Pagination is a common feature in web applications that allows users to navigate through large sets of data or content in manageable chunks. In React.js, implementing pagination is essential for creating a seamless user experience, especially when de...

Jeff Smith · 05 September 2023 · 44

Understanding useContext in Class Components

React's Context API, combined with the useContext hook, has become a powerful tool for managing state and providing data to components deep within the component tree. While it's most commonly used in functional components, you can also leverage useCo...

Jeff Smith · 11 September 2023 · 47

Child to Parent Communication in React Functional Components: A Comprehensive Guide

React, the popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, offers a powerful and flexible component-based architecture. In React, data typically flows from parent components to their children, allowing for efficient rendering and state manag...

Jeff Smith · 08 September 2023 · 36

Exploring Top Frontend Frameworks in 2024

In the blink of an eye — 0.05 seconds, to be exact — users judge your website! 🚀 That’s right, you’ve got a split second to impress. Your ticket to keeping those top-tier visitors? A website that’s not just efficient bu...

Aditya Jani · 29 November 2023 · 33

ReactJS and Server-Side Rendering: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library that enables developers to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces. It is widely used for building web applications, especially those that require real-time updates and seamless performance. When it come...

Alex · 06 March 2023 · 97

Benefits of Hiring React Developers From Software Company

One of the most intriguing and versatile tools has been front-end development, which includes a wealth of feature-rich components, tools, and libraries. Choosing the appropriate and proper equipment for an online company venture may be challenging fo...

Alex · 1 year ago · 147 · 2

Why Should You Use React.JS for Web Development?

Web app development integrates new frameworks and technologies more quickly than any other part of software delivery. It's no surprise that navigating the ever-changing ecology of technology is becoming increasingly difficult. When it comes to buildi...

reactjs developer · 30 December 2022 · 71

What are Javascript Variable, Scope, and Hoisting [With Examples]?

Today we will talk about javascript variable scopes, how ECMAScript has defined the variables, and variable hoisting. Understanding Javascript Variable Scope and Hoisting Well, we know how the scopes of the programming language work, but it’s not the same for all programming languages. In javascript, the variable scope and its hoisting are...

Rajasree Pothula · 19 July 2023 · 52

How Does ReactJS Benefit Web App Development?

ReactJs are the JavaScript library that comes with cutting-edge tools and libraries that generally release frequently. Each is distinct from the others and the user can choose from many options. React is among the most well-known JavaScript language...

reactjs developer · 14 February 2023 · 71

React Code Splitting Best Practices: Improving Performance and User Experience

As web applications grow in complexity, it becomes crucial to optimize their performance to deliver a seamless user experience. One powerful technique to achieve this is "code splitting." In the context of React, code splitting involves breaking down...

Jeff Smith · 27 July 2023 · 56

Top 3 Frontend Frameworks for 2024: Choose the Right One for Your Next Project

In this changing digital landscape, businesses must utilize the right frontend frameworks for software development to stay relevant. According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023, React.js, Angular, and Vue.js are highly popular among developers...

Sanjay Singhania · 20 December 2023 · 58

Understand Virtual DOM in React and What Makes It Great

What is a virtual DOM? The virtual DOM (VDOM) is a programming concept in which an ideal, or “virtual,” version of a user interface (UI) is stored in memory and synchronised with the “actual” DOM via a library such as ReactDO...

Aditya Jani · 16 February 2023 · 58

Simple Pagination in ReactJS: A Step-by-Step Guide

Pagination is a fundamental feature in web applications that allows users to navigate through large sets of data in a more manageable and user-friendly way. In ReactJS applications, implementing simple pagination is a common requirement when dealing...

Jeff Smith · 28 July 2023 · 7

What is the purpose of React Native?

React Native's purpose is to simplify and expedite mobile app development by offering a cross-platform framework that leverages web development skills and native performance. It empowers developers to create high-quality, feature-rich mobile apps for iOS and Android with reduced development time, cost, and complexity. Its widespread adoption in the...

Varun Singh · 20 September 2023 · 23

Which technology has a better future for enterprises: AngularJS or ReactJS?

The framework you choose will impact the success rate of your project. Therefore, choosing a JS framework for building a scalable web app that suits your project requirements is significant. There has been an increase in frameworks and technologies,...

Megha V · 16 November 2022 · 58 · 1

Guide to Create React Native App for Android & iOS Platforms

A very good alternative for creating a native app involves opting for a cross-platform development solution. Hence, if you create a React Native App, then it delivers a thriving solution in today’s world. Around 85 to 90% of codes can be reused between the Android and iOS platforms using React Native. In this post, we will talk about: Rea...

Rajasree Pothula · 13 July 2023 · 13