'Made in....Earth' - Rami Beracha

5 min read
Rami Beracha has created this blog to explore the subject of venture capital. Rami is co-founder and CEO at Sosa.
Communication is one of the biggest issues. It's a minefield that we've made. It's a matter of seconds after making contact and culminates in an amazing explosion...
The biggest error we make is always taking for granted that there is a complete alignment of expectations from both sides. We don't try to read our partner's mind to find the expectations he has. One thing we do agree on is that our friend is not afraid to widen this gap ..... There is no one to inform us about the upcoming clash.
רמי ברכה
There are many causes of communication issues, but they are generally related to our different personalities. Square personalities tend to be more susceptible to miscommunication than liberal personalities, while individuals who are aggressive may have trouble in coordinating their expectations with those of passive individuals. But, this isn't difficult to recognize - we all know the distinction between squared and liberal, and passive from active.
They may not realize that they are so different. There is a chance that there is an individual gap in personality that is not known about. No one has ever discovered it, warned about it, or investigated it...NOT even EVER FREUD! !
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to a brand new kind of personality that we all share: The FULL CIRCLE versus the HALF CIRCLE personalities! !
It is a guide to behavior. If you go through the following analysis, try to identify the personality that best describes you. Additionally, you should identify your partner in real life. If you find that you belong to two distinct kinds, as Bono states "we're one but we're not the same" You should feel happy. You might have discovered the root-cause of many of the differences between you! If however, you're both of the same kind I'm sorry to say that I'm unable to explain the reasons why your relationships look terrible.
Now we are...
Two kinds of human beings are there. Certain of us are divided into two groups one of which is self-contained while others are completely at home. It is true that he may need a partner. Absolutely! All true ... He is still able to survive without his ideal partner. He will live his life side by side with his partner until they find one.
רמי ברכה
Half-a-circle-shaped people comprise the remaining half of humanity. Once they have found the miserable creature and they are unable to give up! To create a happy circle, they'll attempt to make their victim feel more physically. The Halves don't want to sacrifice anything other than staring one at the other from a distance of zero throughout their lives. Nothing less intimate will satisfy their urge to integrate with one another and form one whole.
Rami Beracha
A fascinating observation about these two typesof people: the choice to let a partner go. The complete circle will usually let go quickly of the person they've lost their chemistry. The half-circle's on the other hand will redefine the notion of having chemistry' with their partners to mean: 'I'm holding onto this B..ST..RD. until I can replace him correctly'.
Imagine the incredible dance that occurs in which a "half a-circle", and a 'full-circle" are trying to create one another, and not even noticing their different geometrical shapes. The Half smiles and makes two steps in the direction of. The Full is a bit frightened by this unwelcome invasion to be somewhat frightening. So he fixes this zone-invasion-problem by making a gentle step backward. However, by the fact that he pushed the Half out of his comfortable zone .... The Half is convinced that the Full has made an innocent mistake. When he take a step to make up for it with a step forward, the Full becomes angry and take a further, more significant step backward.. The Half begins to suspect that there's something wrong regarding what's happening in this situation and his next step is not at all gentle.. The Full.. The Half.. the Full and the half are irritated with the other. The Half and the Full know why but lack proper language. They can't properly explain their feelings, so they search for the wrong thing. They could have avoided their own misery if they had known the distinction between Half and Full.
Rami Beracha
This essay does not have a conclusive conclusion. However it does include some actions.
1. Find out more about who are.
2. Find out who your real partner is.
3. There's a difference.
3. Respect the different!
Let's just say that there is only one conclusion Live and let be.
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