Recently, a Wavlink extender user registered a complaint saying that his Wavlink extender WiFi is working but Ethernet is. But, later, we came to know that this is not the problem with a single user. A number of Wavlink users are dealing with the same problem. Are you also among those users? If yes, this post can work wonders for you. Just read the troubleshooting techniques jotted down below and learn how to fix the WiFi problem.
Why Wavlink Extender WiFi Not Working But Ethernet Is?
The problem you are currently facing can also result in other extender issues like the inability to access the web address. So, before you find yourself in the same mess, let us make you aware of the reasons causing the Wavlink extender WiFi not working but Ethernet is issue.
Reason 1: Technical Glitches
Undoubtedly, a Wavlink WiFi range extender is a technical device. But, technical devices are also susceptible to hardware or software bugs. Although you cannot identify the reason behind these bugs, they are potential enough to affect the efficiency of the Wavlink wireless range extender. These hardware or software bugs are called technical glitches in simple terms and thus maintain the first position among the reasons causing the issue.
Reason 2: Transmitting Appliances
We’ve become so dependent on technology that a lot of smart appliances have become a necessity. We’re considering smart appliances because they make use of electromagnetic waves to accomplish the task. It means the EM waves emitted by them have a tendency to interfere with the radiowave signals emitted by your Wavlink range extender pushing you into a pit of the issue you are currently facing.
Reason 3: Inaccurate Extender-Router Distance
Your WiFi devices need to propagate signals freely in order to work well. However, it won’t be possible if have maintained an inaccurate distance between your Wavlink range extender and the host router after completing the Wavlink extender setup process. So, it is a huge possibility that Wavlink extender WiFi not working but Ethernet is due to the wrong extender-router distance.
Reason 4: Internet Issue from ISP
At times, it is not your Wavlink extender that is causing problems, but your ISP is. Perhaps, the ISP to whom you have given the charge of internet service is not doing his job correctly and the internet is down from his end only.
Have you learned the reasons causing the Wavlink extender WiFi not working but Ethernet is issue? Now, get acquainted with the troubleshooting techniques to resolve it. Here we go.
Fixed: Wavlink Extender WiFi Not Working But Ethernet Is
Fix 1: Restart Your Wavlink Extender
Did you try restarting your Wavlink WiFi extender? Not? Well, do it right now! For your information, rebooting is one of the most efficient techniques to get rid of technical glitches. Just in case you are thinking that rebooting is difficult, then you just have to give some rest to your Wavlink range extender after unplugging it from the power socket and plugging it back after some time.
Fix 2: Change the Extender’s Location
You can’t change the location of your heavy electrical appliances but can experiment with that of the range extender. So, keep your extender in a place that is out of the range of microwave ovens, televisions, Bluetooth speakers, baby monitors, fish tanks, mirrors, treadmills, refrigerators, smart cameras, metal objects, etc. Apart from this, do not place your Wavlink extender near thick concrete walls.
Fix 3: Place Your WiFi Devices Correctly
You have to place your WiFi devices at a correct distance from each other. By correct distance, we mean that your devices should neither be placed too close nor too far. It must be remembered that placing devices at too much distance between the devices won’t allow them to communicate properly. On the other hand, placing the devices too close will result in zero internet connection due to a clash of their wireless signals.
Fix 4: Contact Your ISP
If none of the aforementioned tips have brought you success, then there is a huge possibility that your ISP is the real culprit. So, consider pinging him and asking him whether the issue has arisen from his end. If he agrees, then wait patiently until he doesn’t fix the issue.
Final Thoughts
Now, we are wrapping up our guide to fix the Wavlink Extender WiFi not working but Ethernet is issue. Hopefully, you will be able to fix it and access ap setup Wavlink page in order to manage your Wavlink extender. Thanks for reading the post.
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